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Hiyashi Chuka Noodles are on Sale!

Myojo Yuzu Citrus Vinaigrette Hiyashi Chuka Noodles (top)

Myojo Original Soy Sauce Vinaigrette Hiyashi Chuka Noodles (bottom)

Hiyashi chuka noodles are a type of dish using chilled Chinese noodles. The noodles are topped with colorful ingredients such as vegetables, egg, meat, etc., and served with cold sauce and some condiments to your liking.

We carry Myojo's frozen hiyashi chuka noodles. Original soy sauce flavor is authentic and very refreshing. Yuzu is a popular citrus fruit in Asia and its tangy and slightly sweet flavor is perfect for chilled dishes. Inside the package, there are three servings of noodles and sauce.

Directions for 1 Serving:

1. Boil 4 cups of water in a medium pot.

2. Add defrosted noodles to the 4 cups of boiling water. Cook 2 minutes to 2 minutes 15 seconds, stirring occasionally. (If frozen, add 1 minute to cooking time.) Please adjust the cooking time per your personal preference.

3. Drain cooked noodles in a colander, rinse under cold running water or ice water. Place chilled and drained noodles in serving bowls.

4. Top the noodles with desired toppings and pour 1 packet of sauce over the noodles and toppings. Enjoy!


(Recipe) Warm Hiyashi Chuka Noodles

Some of you must love hiyashi chuka noodles, but are not interested in eating cold noodles during the winter. Great news! Here is a recipe for warm hiyashi chuka noodles. It is perfect for this season, even on a snow day!

Ingredients (1 serving):

1 serving of hiyashi chuka noodles

1 bag of hiyashi chuka sauce

400 cc of water

1 tsp of torigara chicken bone broth

Vegetables of your choice as much as you like

Katakuriko potato starch dissolved in water as desired (Potato Starch 1: Water 2)

rayu red chili oil to taste


1. Add water, hiyashi chuka sauce, torigara chicken broth, and vegetables of your choice in a pot and simmer.

2. Cook hiyashi chuka noodles in a separate pot.

Check the instruction of the package for how long you cook. Or, if you use Myojo's product introduced above, add defrosted noodles to the 4 cups of boiling water. Cook 2 minutes to 2 minutes 15 seconds, stirring occasionally. (If frozen, add 1 minute to cooking time.) Please adjust the cooking time per your personal preference.

3. When vegetables are tender, pour in katakuriko potato starch dissolved in water to thicken the soup.

4. Add rayu red chili oil to taste and turn off the heat.

5. Drain the cooked noodles and put them in a bowl.

6.Pour hot soup over the noodles and it is ready!


The thickness of the sauce varies depending on the manufacturer, so adjust the chicken broth by tasting.

It tastes better if the soup and vegetables are simmered together.

Torigara (Chicken Stock) Soup Base


There is a lot of food items, housewares, stationery, and gifts available at the store and our online store, Maido! Kairashi Shop, where you can place your order for shipping or store pickup! Happy shopping. :)


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